Celebrating the Legacy of Drs. Peter and Carol Camfield
April 20, 2024

Dr. Peter Camfield, a world-renowned pediatric epileptologist has been a member of the PERF® Board of Directors since 2013 providing insightful critique of the PERF® research grant applications and financial oversight of the organization’s investments.
On April 8, 2024, the Canadian League Against Epilepsy – Ligue Canadienne Contré L’Épilepsie (CLAE-LCCE) and the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids®) hosted a symposium in Toronto, Ontario Canada honoring the legacy of Dr. Camfield and his wife and co-equal research partner, Dr. Carol Camfield. The Camfields’ research has improved the care of people living with epilepsy worldwide. An evening gala was held to raise funds for the Camfield Epilepsy Research Fund of the CLAE. PERF® President, Dr. Roy Elterman was in attendance and surprised the Camfield’s with a $50,000 donation to their research fund.
The Camfield’s daughter, Dr. Renée Shellhaas is a distinguished clinician researcher at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, MO, and President-Elect of PERF®. She gave the symposium keynote address and joined Dr. Elterman in a photo with the honorees.