
Multicenter Neonatal Seizure Registry (NSR)

The Pediatric Epilepsy Research Foundation® spotlights the Neonatal Seizure Registry, co-led by Dr. Hannah Glass and Dr. Renée Shellhaas. The Neonatal Seizure Registry was created in 2014 with support from a PERF® infrastructure grant. The initial study enrolled more than 600 consecutive newborns with seizures at 7 tertiary/quaternary US Pediatric Hospitals. Results from this work […]


PERF® Introduces Two New Board Members

PERF® Introduces Two New Members to the Board of Directors: Lori Jordan, MD, PhD and Niko Kaciroti, PhD.
Dr. Jordan and Dr. Kaciroti joined the Board in July 2022 for a 3-year term to evaluate letters of intent and research grant applications submitted to PERF®.  They broaden the scope of expertise among the grant review panel, […]